Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Trump and the "Branding" scam

Does Trump actually own and manage all of the businesses with his name on them?  If what we have seen about the vineyard, Trump Steaks and other ventures, he has little actual management in these ventures.  So why would people consider him to be such a great businessman?  That is the big con job Trump is pulling on the country.  He gets paid for his name, his "Stature" is upped or more valuable by being a former presidential candidate.  That is his scam.  He doesn't care about this country, if he did he would have served instead of dodging the draft.  He would care about the other citizens of this country, even the ones that don't agree with him.

Hopefully his scams will get him indicted before the fall elections.  Most important of those is the Trump University scam.  Which has had one plaintiff drop out because of threats of physical violence by the #TrumpZombies.  Will he bully or buy his way out of this like he did his rape charges and other misdeeds?

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