Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Can reason and fact change a #TrumpZombies mind?

I had an interesting twitter chat with a gentleman on today who stated he was a Trump supporter and a veteran.  I am always interested in why a veteran would support a draft dodger, the kind of slime that would use money and influence to skate on his civic duty. Not because of a philosophical or moral opposition to war, which I can respect, but because he was "to Rich" to go to Vietnam.  I pointed out several rather damning facts about Mr. Trump and was finally told, I guess we will support who we chose to support.  So far no one I have chatted or talked to can tell me honestly, with truthful information that they support Trump.  Everything they use to support their cause can be refuted as a lie by Mr. Trump.

This is what I don't get, have we trashed the trust of the media and reason so much that irrefutable facts can be brushed off?  How can reasonable people, especially the far right religious evangelicals follow such a vain and hollow human being.  He said he would be dating Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter. On TV, if that doesn't just make you want to puke on your remote nothing will.

So what is this group insanity?  Are we 1930's Germany?  I don't see how, our economy is coming back in a healthy way from the worst recession since the 1930's.  Job growth for most has been steady.  So what is it really?  I have no flipping clue.  But my theory is, the GOP, the Tea Party dupes and the not so closeted racist (Ann Coulter) are so pissed off they lost the election to an articulate and intelligent non-white man that they have lost it.  So they bring down the country with their rhetoric about one man.  Now they whine about losing control of the electoral process.  Guess what Ann, Rush, Karl, David and all of the other rich, racist dingbats that went to the gutter to trash President Obama.  You have been out trashed by a guy who cut someone's hair at a WWE show.  That is just what Mr. Trump has turned running for the most powerful job in the world into, World Wide Wrestling.

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